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Information About Family Law and How It Works

Guidance When Your Spouse is Hiding Assets in Divorce

Once you are married, you would like to believe your marital union is founded on integrity and honesty. Regrettably, divorce can reveal the worst in your spouse, and they can act cunningly by hiding assets. If you and your partner are undergoing the divorce process and you believe they are concealing property that ought to be split and shared between you, you might not know what to do, particularly if they are more wealthy than you. However, at this point, the most crucial thing to remember is that you have legal rights...

How Do You Win A Child Custody Case In California?

Winning a child custody case in California is an emotionally charged journey. You should know the laws and focus on your child's best interests. As a parent seeking custody, your actions, evidence,...

How to Divorce an Abusive Husband?

Divorce is not always an easy decision to make. However, it could be the best solution if you are in an abusive marriage. Abuse is not just physical but mental and emotional as well. Many abusive...

FAQ About Alimony in California

Alimony is a very crucial matter in most divorce cases. If a marriage has lasted for a considerable period, there will likely be an alimony issue to discuss during its dissolution. The partner who...

All You Need to Know About Mental Incapacity Divorce

Few issues are as complex and emotionally charged as cases involving mental incapacity. When a spouse is unable to fully participate in the dissolution of a marriage due to mental health challenges, it can present unique legal considerations and ethical dilemmas for both parties involved. In this article, we will discuss the definition of mental incapacity within the context of divorce and explore the grounds and legal process for seeking divorce based on mental incapacity in California.  We will also provide insights into...

Understanding Spousal Support in California

When marriages in California reach their conclusion through divorce or legal separation, spousal support, commonly known as alimony, emerges as a critical and often contentious issue. Spousal...

Tips for Drafting a Child Custody Agreement

Any situation involving separation can be challenging. Whether it occurs amicably or through conflict, with or without children, the process of separation is difficult. Even if you don't have...

How Does Domestic Partnership Work in California?

In California, domestic partnerships are a legal option available to both same-sex and some opposite-sex relationships. This arrangement grants these couples similar rights, benefits, and...

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