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Information About Family Law and How It Works

California Adult Adoption

Family is like a strong building block in our lives – it is where we find love and support. But did you know that family can be more than just blood relatives? In California, there is a way for adults to become part of each other's families through a process called adult adoption. In this article, we will discuss more about adult adoption in California. We will highlight what it is, why people do it, and how the process works. What is Adult Adoption? Adult adoption is a legal process that allows one adult to become the legal...

Do you Need to Move out of the House During a Divorce?

Most married couples own a home where they live as a family. Under California community property laws, a house purchased during a marriage belongs to both spouses. The only way a house can be...

What is Temporary Guardianship?

In the realm of family law, ensuring children's well-being is paramount. However, life often presents circumstances where parents cannot provide immediate care and support for their children. In...

How to Protect Your Rights Before Divorce

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process that can take a toll on anyone. Whether you have decided to file for divorce or your spouse has initiated the proceedings, it is crucial to take...

What is Child Custody Mediation?

Divorce is a painful process that becomes challenging when children are involved. In addition to the emotional trauma from the parents' separation, fighting over the custody battles intensifies the situation. You cannot complete your divorce process in California until child custody issues are resolved. Fortunately, the divorcing couple can work towards solving child custody issues outside of court. Child custody mediation allows parents to avoid the child custody court's emotional and financial constraints. You can either...

Can a Custodial Parent Move a Child Out of State?

Court-ordered custody agreements can last for many years, especially if both parents live nearby. However, these "move-away" situations can be challenging because they usually involve a clash...

Factors Judges Consider in Deciding Custody in California

If you are in the middle of a custody battle, it can help to know what a judge might consider when deciding who gets custody. The criteria that judges use in every custody case are outlined in the...

What are the Child Relocation Laws in California?

It is common for California residents to move long distances, searching for new jobs. When the distance is great, you might find it challenging to provide for the daily basis of their families....

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