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Information About Family Law and How It Works

How are International Child Custody Handled After a Divorce?

Child custody cases are complicated enough when both parents live in the US. But what happens when one parent lives outside the US or wants to relocate outside the US? If you already have a custody agreement, location changes mean changes in custody agreements. It means involving international laws – some of which might not agree with the US and Californian laws. So, how do courts navigate international child custody cases? Let's explore some of the common issues that arise in these cases and the laws courts apply. Common...

How are Child Visitations Handled After a Divorce in San Diego

Nothing is easy when a marriage ends. Divorce emotionally affects all family members, primarily the children. Therefore, even as you deal with your emotions, the law encourages you and your spouse...

How is Alimony Determined in San Diego?

When married couples divorce, courts sometimes award spousal support or alimony to one spouse based on the court's decision or an agreement between the two. Alimony is usually separate from the...

What is Juvenile Dependency?

Children are an essential part of society, and the law aims to protect them from harm or abuse. Subsequently, depending on the circumstances, you may lose custoy of your children in a juvenile...

Calculating Child Support in California

Every parent is responsible for caring for their children even when the relationship with the other parent or marriage falls apart. Child support is an ongoing payment that the non-custodial parent makes to assist with the financial maintenance of the children after a divorce or separation. Child support payments are determined during marriage resolution, with the only requirement being proof of paternity or maternity. In California, the courts determine the amount to be paid in child support using guidelines based on different...

How to Know if I Can Get an Annulment in California?

Most people who want to end their marriages are familiar with divorce. However, another way you can legally end your marriage is by seeking an annulment. Although divorce and annulment are aimed at...

Protecting Yourself During a Divorce in San Diego

The divorce process is complicated for the couple and the children (if any). It takes a long struggle before a couple decides to end their marriage permanently. One or both partners can fight to...

How To Terminate Spousal Support in San Diego

Going through a separation or divorce yields many outcomes for involved parties, including the need to determine whether spousal support provisions are required. Therefore, understanding the terms...

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