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Children's Law

There are many laws on the books in California designed to protect the rights of children and to promote their best interests across a wide range of difficult situations.

Sometimes, child advocacy takes place when children have allegedly been abused, neglected, or abandoned. But laws defending children also come into play in divorce, legal separation, annulment, and adoption cases. And surrogacy arrangements and contract disputes and other child dependency cases add to the complex mix.

At San Diego Family Law Attorney, we understand the complexities of California's "children's laws" and understand the court processes that apply in San Diego and other Southern California counties. We can assist you if DCFS has wrongly removed your child from your custody, and we can stand up for the rights of children who are suffering actual abuse or neglect as well.

Contact us today by calling 619-610-7425

We will give you a free, no-obligation consultation and can give immediate attention to your family law legal needs.

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